❤️‍🩹 Spriteas ☠️

Out of all the strange things that go on in The Realm Of Insani-tea, one myth is spread far more than any other... The Spriteas.

Let me tell you about the legend of the Spriteas, a collection of creatures in all shapes and sizes. Creatures that not only look extremely cute, but could very well save or take your life, or at least that's what the rumours say!

Have you heard of bubble tea? Perhaps you've even had a cup or two?

Well, these little creatures allegedly forge bubble-tea-like beverages into life saving potions or soul sucking poisons.

What you know as the "tea", is replaced with powerful, magical liquids. That can give or take life, heal wounds, create wounds or even poison a soul! Luckily it still tastes delicious, unfortunately it still tastes wonderful even if it's a poison...

What would usually be tapioca beads, are nourishing beads that fill the belly of those on the road. Bringing someone back from the brink of starvation! Or filling their belly with something that makes it churn...

Many travellers report seeing Spriteas on their adventures, some even claim that they saved their life with their magical potions.

One things for sure... each Spritea has a different personality, traits and wants/needs. So make sure to do your research before you set out on the road, adventurer!

👑 The Realm Of Insani-tea 👑

The Realm Of Insani-tea is a place filled with mystery, magic and madness. 

It's not only the name of kayPOWXDs community, but it's also a fully fleshed out world with deep lore... so anyone can enjoy it!

The Realm Of Insani-tea is a land full of awe and wonder, everything runs through the powerful properties of ‘Mantea’. A strong resource that stems from a giant tree in the middle of the capital city, the Ci-tea. Protected by Elders for as long as the Realms existence is recorded.

There's much to learn about this vast world, too much to go into here! So if you're looking to learn about the home of the Spriteas, head here.

✨ The Creator ✨

"I'd love to introduce myself! I'm kayPOWXD, a full time content creator from the UK.

I'm a Twitch, Elder Scrolls Online and Sea Of Thieves Partner, Contestant on E4s GamesMaster, YouTube Shorts Creator Community Member and TikTok UK Gaming Creator. Basically, I create content across many different social platforms, my focus being on Twitch and TikTok, with a recent branching out to YouTube.

And of course, I'm now the creator of Spriteas!

Back in school, I took every creative class I could. Some of my favourite classes were the ones about Product Design, which sparked one of my dreams to start up my own clothing brand. Something I have actually done in the past (Well not really, it was a fake clothing line set up for a school project! But people really did try to buy my t-shirts, so that was nice!).

Many inhabitants of The Realm Of Insani-tea have asked for kayPOWXD merch, which is something I've always wanted to do.. but I didn't just want to slap my emotes and logos on t-shirts. I wanted to do more! I wanted to create something that many people can enjoy, not just people who watch my content. So that's where the Spriteas came in, adorable creatures birthed from my love of all things cute and kind of emo. Creatures that already existed in The Realm Of Insani-tea, which I wanted to introduce to the world anyway. So what better way to show them off than to make cute things?!

There's plenty more to learn about me, but I don't want to spoil EVERYTHING... so why don't you pop to stream sometime and ask some questions? I'd love that! All my socials are at the bottom of the screen"

- kayPOWXD

Fancy treating the Spriteas to some extra tea?

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